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Buckle up! Entering the Inner World ...

Inner Kaleidoscope

Wednesday December 20, 2023, 11:00am - 12:30pm

Life is a kaleidoscope of colours... intricate... unexpected... beautiful. ~ Unknown

Like a kaleidoscope, life is an ever-changing (inter)play of light, mirrors, pieces of coloured glass, creating infinite reflections of changing patterns mesmerizing the viewer.

The etymology of a kaleidoscope translates to "observer of beautiful forms," coined by its inventor, Scottish scientist David Brewster (1781-1868), from Greek kalos "beautiful, beauteous"+ eidos "shape".

Life is like an ever-shifting kaleidoscope - a slight change, and all patterns alter. ~ Sharon Salzberg

Rotating the inner kaleidoscope of life, voyaging through life's many changes, join us for a guided inner journey into the depths of your colourful multidimensional inner self. This journey will focus on seeing the BEauty of your experiences.

“The idea behind a kaleidoscope is that it’s a structure that’s filled with broken bits and pieces, and somehow if you can look through them, you still see something beautiful.” ~ Sara Bareilles

Just as the golden joinery of kintsugi the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold — transforms what appears broken into the beautiful, inner alchemy of energy work transmutes our broken bits into the beautiful & brilliant.

Join us for a very special journey honouring the beauty withIN.



11:00am-11:10am - Welcome & Warm-up

11:10am-12:10pm - The Guided Group Journey

12:10pm-12:15pm - Journaling Break

12:15pm-12:30pm - Experience Share, Q & A, Solo Opps for Guidance


What is Inner Work with Marta like? Mike Brcic shares here:

Mike Brcic, Serial Entrepreneur, Adventurer, Consultant



Inner Work is a powerful yet gentle practice of inner-seeing, self-understanding and self-transformation.



Kindly note that there is NO recording of any sort at this event. Everyone is asked to honour safe space.



Marta A. NOWinska is a Consciousness Catalyst who elegantly guides entrepreneurs through deep-reaching, bone-changing, visceral, multi-dimensional, often time-warping Inner Work Journeys with Bruce Lee-like flow. Beyond being an Inner Work Guide and weaving Energy Work into the experience, Marta is a self-mastery practitioner, a purpose-preneur (founder of Swapsity) and synergistic connector. Her Inner Work teachings originate from within. 



“It's like 2 months of therapy in 2 hours. Thank you for the amazing healing.” ~ Tech CEO, Visionary, Angel Investor, Activist (private)


“You have a powerful gift for inner work guidance that I have never seen before." ~ Entrepreneur, Designer, Best-Selling Author (private)


“I found it very powerful. Dissipating and dissolving. Facing head on. Going through the layers. Each iteration dissolving a little more.” ~ Hall of Fame Speaker, High-Performance Expert (group)


"The way you facilitated self immersion was very impressive Marta. Thank you for your relaxing voice Marta and for the opportunity to practise deep meditation. For a few seconds, I was in a world of nothing. I went so deep into myself. I was on a different plane. Your voice is soothing, a God-given talent." ~ Yoga & Meditation Practitioner (group)


"Once you are inside yourself, you can find these things. I had no idea!" ~ Self-Made Millionaire, Entrepreneur, Investor (private)


"I found the Work Group Session as an enriching experience. I was happily surprised by how deep the meditation and regression could go in this virtual environment. This helped me because of the inner search that I was able to do, but also because it removed my blockage towards participating in virtual activities that go deep into the self." ~ Scientist & Artist (group)


"It was amazing ‐ LOVE your process that is a hybrid of so many things. The energy you impart is magnetic....magical. Simply awesome." ~ Executive Coach, Consultant & Change Strategist (group)


"I was a headless being and there was a blazing bright blinding light around me." ~ Meditator (group)


"It felt like a guided plant medicine journey in many ways." ~ Keynote Speaker, Author, CEO, Personal & Financial Game-Changer (group)


"I feel that energy I sense myself in both places. I exist in both places in the same person." ~ Tech Wizard (private)



Holiday Gift For All

Inner Work & Energy Work Journey